International exchange programs

Not only data travels around the world, you can too! Computer science is international, it is researched, used and developed everywhere, its “official language” is English.

Studying abroad for one or two semesters is therefore particularly attractive for IT students. Studying abroad broadens your horizons, allows you to take a break from everyday life and also lets you impress employers both professionally and personally by acquiring important soft skills. The most important thing, however, is that you will have an unforgettable time that you will fondly remember.

Studierende unserer Fakultät haben vielfältige Möglichkeiten, ein Studium im Ausland zu absolvieren. Auslandssemester sind keine Pflicht, lassen sich durch den Aufbau des jeweiligen Curriculums jedoch sehr einfach integrieren.


Studying abroad with the Erasmus program is very popular among students. All 27 EU member states as well as the United Kingdom, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Serbia and North Macedonia participate. Students pay no tuition fees at their host university and receive a financial grant. The scholarship rate is set annually and is between 330 and 450 euros per month, depending on the target country.

Non-European destinations

Studying abroad outside of Europe is also possible. In addition to the faculty’s subject-specific cooperations, the RUB maintains several university-wide and thus interdisciplinary university partnerships. These stays are often financed through scholarships. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers an extensive scholarship database.

Stays abroad in the academic year 2024/25

We are currently busy expanding our contacts with partner universities. However, you already have numerous options for studying abroad. We have summarized your options for a stay abroad in the 2024/25 academic year (i.e. WS 2024/25 and SS 25) in the following PDF.

Study abroad 2024/2025

Presentation slides information event from 15.11.23

Application for exchange places via Erasmus agreements of the Faculty of Computer Science in the academic year 2024/25

  1. Find out about your options using the PDF “Studying Abroad 2024/2025” and the presentation slides as well as the partner universities’ websites. If necessary, you can also make an appointment with the academic advisor.
  2. Send your application documents by 12.01.24 in a PDF by email to
    • Application documents:
      1. Cover letter in which you explain your motivation for the semester abroad at the specific partner university (including a brief description of your current study situation and study plan). Please also state in which semester you would like to go abroad!
      2. CV
      3. If already available, proof of language skills
      4. Verifiable data sheet from Flexnow

Information event on Erasmus

You can find the date in mid-November on the student advisory service website.

International Office of the RUB

The RUB International Office offers interested parties a lot of information and information events.
It’s worth taking a look at the website!

Contact persons

If you have any questions about studying abroad, the relevant academic advisor will be happy to help!

Table of contents