
Formalities of the doctorate

Doctoral Regulations

All procedural steps for the doctorate are regulated in the doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Computer Science. The doctoral procedure formally begins with the Application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate. The doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Computer Science have been published as the Official Announcement of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum No. 1454 resp. No. 1666.

Doctoral Regulations 2024 (start of the doctorate from 16.12.2024)

Doctoral Regulations of the Faculty of Computer Science (Official Announcement of the Ruhr University Bochum No. 1666, last updated 16.12.2024 – in German)

Doctoral Regulations 2022 (start of the doctorate until 15.12.2024)

Doctoral Regulations of the Faculty of Computer Science (Official Announcement of the Ruhr University Bochum No. 1454, last updated 04.02.2022 – in German)

English information on the Dotcoral Regulations of the Faculty of Computer Science (for informational purposes only, not legally binding!)

Schedule of the doctoral comittee

When submitting the forms, defined deadlines must be met, which are based on the dates of the meetings of the PhD Committee. The respective deadlines can be found on the corresponding forms. Die jeweiligen Fristen finden Sie auf den entsprechenden Formularen.

Schedule of the doctoral comittee



Kristina Ahrens
MC 1.48
0234 32-19610

Consultation hours

Wednesdays, 10-11 am
Kristina Ahrens
MC 1.48