Ever since 2008, the ITS.Connect has been connecting students and companies in the IT security sector to find the fitting workplace or employees! The Ruhr University Bochum is a pioneer of IT security education in Europe – half of all IT security students in Germany are enrolled with us. This means the ITS.Connect is the ideal platform to let students and alumni know about your job offers in the IT security department.
✓ established company contact fair specialised in IT security
✓ get to know your specific target audience: in recent years, about 500 students of IT security and similar degrees have been attending the ITS.Connect every year
✓ the students are well prepared thanks to fair training, a fair catalogue and prior publishing of job advertisements
✓ enjoy a day on the RUB campus with a relaxed atmosphere and delicious catering
Have we sparked your interest?
You are interested in participating at the next ITS.Connect? Great! Just fill in the non-committal contact form below and receive all information regarding the next ITS.Connect as soon as the concept has been finalized. ITS.Connect 2025 will take place on May 6. The registration deadline is March 07.
Do you have questions?
We look forward to your call or message!
Nina Feldhaus
phone: +49 0234 32 19190
mail: itsconnect@rub.de
Charlotte Schab
phone: +49 0234 32 19190
mail: itsconnect@rub.de