Prof. Dr. Laurenz Wiskott

Professor / Head of Chair

Ruhr-University Bochum
Faculty of Computer Science

Universitätsstr. 150
--D-44801 Bochum

Room: NB 3/29

Telephone: +49(0)234 32 27997

Office Hours: By arrangement

E-Mail: laurenz.wiskott(at)

Curriculum Vitae

2018-01 - 2018-05: Simons, Berkeley, California - Visiting scholar
Visiting scholar at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at the University of California, Berkeley, USA

since Nov 2008: INI, Bochum, Germany - Professor (W3)
Professor (W3) at the Institute for Neural Computation at the Ruhr-University Bochum

2006-2008: ITB, Berlin, Germany - Professor (W2)
Professor (W2) for Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics at the Institute for Theoretical Biology at the Humboldt-University Berlin

2000-2006: ITB, Berlin, Germany - Junior research group leader
Junior research group leader at the Institute for Theoretical Biology at the Humboldt-University Berlin (supported by the Volkswagen Foundation)

1999-2000: ITB, Berlin, Germany - Research associate
Research associate with Prof. Andreas V. M. Herz at the Innovationskolleg Theoretische Biologie at the Humboldt-University Berlin

1998-1999: Wiko, Berlin, Germany - Fellow
Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg

