Master Seminar - Information Security


The seminar will focus on various security and privacy aspects in cryptocurrencies and blockchain platforms, security aspects of machine learning platforms, as well as on the security of secure hardware, such as Trusted Execution Environments.

Students are expected to investigate a narrow topic based on recently published literature. The investigation findings are to be included in a report and presented during the class.

We will organize the seminar in the spirit of a scientific conference. Besides writing a report on the selected topic, students are expected to constructively review each other’s reports – akin the peer-review system commonly used in current academic conferences. At the end of this seminar, students will be able to study a narrowly-defined topic, understand basic insights into best research trends and practices in that topic, and write concise scientific reports with respect to their findings. Students will also develop experience in giving scientific presentations, and get valuable insights into peer-reviewing. Students will be evaluated based on the quality of their report, as well as on their presentation skills.


Language English
Expose max. 3 pages
Preliminary and final reports max. 12 pages
Presentation 15 min (+5 min Q&A)
Schedule Winter Term 2024/25
until 11.10.2024 Join the Moodle course for further information.
11.10.2024 Kick-off event in MC 1/84 at 14:00. Attendance is compulsory.
28.10.2024 Submission of the exposé.
02.01.2025 Preliminary final version, submission to supervisor and class for reviews.
14.01.2025 Submission of reviews by students.
28.01.2025 Submission of final version after incorporating the reviews and supervisor’s corrections.
30.01.2025 Upload of your final presentation.
31.01.2025 Presentation day (starting: TBA)
Schedule Summer Term 2024
until 11.04.2024Join the Moodle course for further information.  
11.04.2024Kick-off event in MC 1/54 from 12:00 to 14:00. Attendance is compulsory.
26.04.2024Submission of the exposé.
12.06.2024Preliminary final version, submission to supervisor and class for reviews.
24.06.2024Submission of reviews by students.
09.07.2024Submission of final version after incorporating the reviews and supervisor’s corrections.
11.07.2024Upload of your final presentation.
12.07.2024Presentation day (MC 1/84 from 15:00 to 17:00)