Amir Moradi fills W2 professorship for Implementation Security
Since August 2022, Amir Moradi is the new Professor of Implementation Security at the Faculty of Computer Science. The research focus of his group is on the security of implementation of cryptographic primitives. “Digital logic circuits are the foundation of the digital revolution, and their integration into our lives implies their access to citizens’ private and secret data. Cryptography is obviously a key point to address such concerns, but it is unfortunately not adequate to protect the date which is stored in and processed by a circuit, since physical characteristics and behavior of a circuit has a direct relation to its activities,” he explains. Hence, a large part of his research activities is dedicated to protect implementation of cryptographic primitives to improve the secrecy of citizens’ private data. In short, his group’s activities can be named as hardware security, protection against physical attacks (side-channel analysis and fault-injection attacks), security analysis of real-world systems particularly internet of things, and efficient hardware and software implementation of cryptographic procedures. This includes various implementation platforms like ASICs, FPGAs, and micro-processors.
Before joining the Faculty of Computer Science at RUB, he was a Professor at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Cologne, and before that an extraordinary Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at RUB. He actually started his professional career with a Post-Doctoral position under the supervision of Prof. Christof Paar at RUB in 2009, and received the Habilitation in 2015, while he accomplished his undergraduate and graduate studies from Sharif University of Technology in Tehran.