M. Sc. Lukas Knittel

Network and data security

Research assistant

Room: MC 4/144

Telephone: use Slack

Office Hours: By arrangement

E-Mail: lukas.knittel@rub.de


  • Web Se­cu­ri­ty
  • Brow­ser Se­cu­ri­ty
  • Cli­ent-Si­de Se­cu­ri­ty



Are you are look­ing for a mas­ter/ba­che­lor the­sis or a se­mi­nar pro­ject? Are you interested in web se­cu­ri­ty, cli­ent-si­de security or brow­ser se­cu­ri­ty? Send an email.


If you are in­te­rested in ap­p­lied IT se­cu­ri­ty („ha­cking“), also check out our uni­ver­si­ty Cap­tu­re the Flag (CTF) team Flux­Fin­gers (@F­lux­Fin­gers), as well as our in­tro­duc­to­ry Flux­Rook­ies chal­len­ges. If you would like to ask any ques­ti­ons, or just get in touch to learn about up­co­ming CTFs, join our Di­s­cord. Can you find the flag here?