M. Sc. Franziska Herbert

Mobile Security

Re­se­arch As­sis­tant

Ruhr-University Bochum
Faculty of Computer Science
Mobile Security
Universitätsstr. 150
--D-44801 Bochum

Room: ID 2/129

Telephone: (+49)(0)234 / 32 - 28667

Office Hours: By arrangement

E-Mail: franziska.herbert@rub.de

Curriculum Vitae

- since 07/2020: PhD stu­dent in the Mo­bi­le Se­cu­ri­ty Group & CASA, Ruhr Uni­ver­si­ty Bo­chum
- 10/2019 – 10/2020: Exe­cu­ti­ve As­sis­tant to the Pre­si­dent, TU Darm­stadt
- 04/2019 - 04/2020: PhD stu­dent with PEA­SEC, TU Darm­stadt
- 10/2016 – 03/2019: M.​Sc. Psy­cho­lo­gy, TU Darm­stadt
- 10/2013 – 09/2016: B.​Sc. Psy­cho­lo­gy, TU Darm­stadt
