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Pro­vi­ding Wire­less Phy­si­cal-Lay­er Se­cu­ri­ty to LTE-De­vice-to-De­vice Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on


Be­treu­er: David Rupp­recht
Be­ginn: as soon as pos­si­ble
Dauer: 3 month

Wei­te­re De­tails: [1] [2] [3]


Yes, there is ano­ther ap­proach to se­cu­re chan­nels be­si­de clas­si­cal asym­me­tric/sym­me­tric Cryp­to: Phy­si­cal Layer Se­cu­ri­ty. Phy­si­cal Layer Se­cu­ri­ty (PHY­SEC) is a rich area and a very in­te­res­ting ap­proach, which com­bi­nes Co­ding Theo­ry, Net­wor­king, Game Theo­ry and Cryp­to­gra­phy. A PHY­SEC based sys­tem is able to solve the pro­blems of key-ma­nage­ment- and key-es­ta­blish­ment. The­re­fo­re, it re­pres­ents a very attrac­tive ap­proach and it is a very new me­cha­nism. Howe­ver, our team (com­bi­ning re­se­ar­chers from EMSEC and INF­SEC as well as en­gi­neers from PHY­SEC GmbH [1]) is the first one with a fully ca­pa­ble de­mons­tra­tor and has lea­ding ex­pe­ri­ence in this topic.

In this Mas­ter’s the­sis we want to ad­dress se­cu­ri­ty me­cha­nis­ms on the phy­si­cal layer to fos­ter new ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons for the In­ter­net of Things (IoT). The stu­dent’s task is to eva­lua­te the Phy­si­cal Layer Se­cu­ri­ty ap­proach for LTE. For that the stu­dent im­ple­ments an LTE PHY­SEC frame­work using al­re­a­dy exis­ting soft­ware com­po­n­ents like srsL­TE [2] and/or Open­AirIn­ter­face [3]. It should be ana­ly­zed how LTE can be used for key-ma­nage­ment and es­ta­blish­ment. Good C and C++ pro­gramming skills are re­qui­red; know­ledge about si­gnal pro­ces­sing and Soft­ware De­fined Radio (SDR) is pre­fe­ra­ble.
