
Sys­Kit: The goal of the pro­ject Sys­Kit is to de­ve­lop tools for op­ti­mi­zed hard­ware-ba­sed se­cu­ri­ty tech­no­lo­gies for In­dus­try 4.0 (I4.0) ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons. Cur­rent in­dus­tri­al plants and pro­duc­tion fa­ci­li­ties in Ger­man key sec­tors (from ma­chi­ne con­struc­tion to che­mi­cal in­dus­tri­es, power en­gi­nee­ring, and ve­hi­cle ma­nu­fac­tu­ring) are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by an in­crea­sing num­ber of net­wor­ked sys­tems and com­po­n­ents that ex­chan­ge more and more data. For our sub­pro­ject, we de­ve­lop mo­du­lar com­po­n­ents to sup­port se­cu­re and en­er­gy-ef­fi­ci­ent data pro­ces­sing and se­cu­re data trans­fer in I4.0 fa­ci­li­ties – with a focus on wire­less trans­mis­si­ons. … More

In­Struct: The pro­ject In­Struct pur­su­es the goal to enable and sup­port the con­trol­led loss of on­line di­gi­tal data: di­gi­tal for­get­ting. De­le­ting data at fixed pre­de­fined points in time is al­re­a­dy tech­ni­cal­ly sup­por­ted today, it howe­ver ad­dres­ses only a small part of the pro­blem and so­lu­ti­on space. In In­Struct we in­ves­ti­ga­te novel ap­proa­ches bey­ond the au­to­ma­tic de­le­ti­on of data and media at pre­de­fined ex­pi­ry dates. We are de­ve­lo­ping so­lu­ti­ons for fle­xi­ble ex­pi­ra­ti­on times that may be based on ex­ter­nal con­di­ti­ons. Our ap­proa­ches are de­ve­lo­ped to work re­lia­bly and to be ve­ri­fia­bly se­cu­re. Coun­ter­me­a­su­res and at­tacks by third par­ties to prevent or undo the ex­pi­ra­ti­on are in the cen­ter of our focus.

BER­COM: The pro­ject BER­COM (Blue­print for pan-Eu­ropean Resi­li­ent Cri­ti­cal in­fra­struc­tu­res based on LTE COm­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons) is a Fran­co-Ger­man col­la­bo­ra­ti­on of in­dus­try, re­se­arch or­ga­niza­t­i­ons and aca­de­mia from the en­er­gy as well as com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons sec­tors. Its ob­jec­tive is to in­crea­se the resi­li­ence of cri­ti­cal in­fra­struc­tu­res by ap­pro­pria­te ad­ap­ta­ti­on of the emer­ging mo­bi­le tech­no­lo­gies. As part of the pro­ject, the in­for­ma­ti­on se­cu­ri­ty group ad­dres­ses se­ver­al sub­jects con­cerning se­cu­ri­ty ana­ly­sis and se­cu­ri­ty me­cha­nis­ms for LTE com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and LTE de­vices. … More

GRK 1817: „New Chal­len­ges For Cryp­to­gra­phy In Ubi­qui­tous Com­pu­ting“: The DFG Re­se­arch Trai­ning Group in­ves­ti­ga­tes cryp­to­gra­phic me­cha­nis­ms which form the fo­un­da­ti­on for se­cu­ri­ty so­lu­ti­ons in ubi­qui­tous com­pu­ting. The re­se­arch is struc­tu­red in three le­vels: cryp­to­gra­phic pri­mi­ti­ves, de­vice and sys­tem level. A com­mon theme is that new cryp­to­gra­phic me­thods are re­se­ar­ched for ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons which are di­stri­bu­ted and hea­vi­ly in­ho­mo­ge­neous. The re­se­arch to­pics range from cryp­to­gra­phic fo­un­da­ti­ons such as fully ho­mo­mor­phic en­cryp­ti­on, which is very de­s­i­ra­ble for pri­va­cy re­a­sons, over se­cu­ri­ty for me­di­cal im­plants to in­ter­net se­cu­ri­ty so­lu­ti­ons in­vol­ving new na­tio­nal ID cards … More

Di­gi­tal For­get­ting: The goal of this pro­ject, sup­por­ted by the Mer­ca­tor Re­se­arch Cen­ter Ruhr, is to in­ves­ti­ga­te and de­ve­lop tech­ni­cal so­lu­ti­ons that sup­port the ex­pi­ra­ti­on of on­line data. By this we tack­le the goal of „di­gi­tal for­get­ting“. We focus on va­rious pro­tec­tion goals that users may have for stay­ing in con­trol over pu­blis­hed data. … More