Mo­bi­le & IoT se­cu­ri­ty and pri­va­cy

Topic: Mobile OS Security & Privacy (BA/MA)

Title: Analysis of the security and privacy of GrapheneOS.

Related work:


Topic: Mobile Privacy (BA/MA)

Title: Application of search-based techniques for user data privacy guarantees in mobile apps.

Related work:


Internet of Things (overview)

If you are interested in IoT-related topics, below is a list of relevant papers you can take a look at.


Malware analysis (overview)

If you are interested in malware-related topics, below is a list of relevant papers you can take a look at.


Mobile Privacy (overview)

If you are interested in privacy-related topics, below is a list of relevant papers you can take a look at.


Dr. Veelasha Moonsamy

Interested students are required to include their list of courses and grades (i.e. Leistungsübersicht), and a short description of their research interests in the email.