
Beyond the theses offered on this page, you can always check out our research topics and contact persons working on stuff that interests you. Feel free to propose topics or ask if there’s any hot topic that isn’t listed down below yet! Just don’t forget to include some information on your background & interests.

In the following, you can find a couple of overview pages listing the topics/research interests of people looking for students (further below you find individual topics not covered by this):

Fuzzing, Emulating, and Analyzing Embedded Systems Firmware (collection of theses)

Be­treu­er: To­bi­as Schar­now­ski

Mo­bi­le & IoT se­cu­ri­ty and pri­va­cy (collection of theses)

Be­treu­er: Veela­sha Moon­sa­my

Fuzzing, Binary Rewriting, System Programming, Emulation (collection of theses)

Be­treu­er: Nils Bars

Online Privacy / Data Protection / Privacy Implementation (collection of theses)

Be­treu­er: Veelasha Moonsamy

Cellular Networks & Mobile Network Security (multiple topics available)

Be­treu­er: David Rupprecht

IoT Security, Embedded Firmware and Hardware Analysis (collection of theses)

Be­treu­er: Philipp Mackensen

Applications of Machine Learning for Security (collection of theses)

Be­treu­er: Dimitri Mankowski

 Subsequently, you can find single individual thesis topics:
Bachelor or Master thesis: Dynamic Analysis for Parser Detection in Binaries
Master thesis: Automated Analysis of Smartphone Baseband Modem Firmware
Master thesis: Extending LTE/5G Modem Firmware Re-Hosting and Fuzzing Approaches with Networking Capabilities

Be­treu­er: Daniel Klischies
Be­ginn: as soon as possible

Master thesis: Privacy Violation Over the Air: Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for Adversarial Wireless Sensing

Be­treu­er: Philipp Mackensen
Be­ginn: as soon as possible

Bachelor/Master thesis: Automated Identification of Cryptographic Primitives in Software

Be­treu­er: Veela­sha Moon­sa­my
Be­ginn: as soon as possible