We offer Bachelor and Master theses projects throughout the year in the areas of software security & privacy and Internet security & privacy. We aim that the outcome of all theses with us are research results that are publishable in competitive conferences, workshops, or journals. If you are interested in doing your thesis with us, please contact us at softsec+theses@rub.de and provide:
- Your transcript of records (for Bachelor students, your Bachelor grades; for Master students, your Bachelor and Master grades).
- A brief motivation discussing your preferred topics and interests (no more than one short paragraph). This does not need to be overly detailed, but it helps us to determine where the topic fit is. If you are unsure about your topic, just mention this and we can try to find a topic that matches your background and interests.
- A concise description of your programming skills (one to two sentences).
We do not list specific topics for Bachelor or Master theses on our website for a simple reason: Picking a topic from a list is unlikely going to lead to a topic that closely matches your interests and also our interests. Instead, we have a better experience in discussing the available topics with you after your application. To get a better idea about our research, please check out our list of publications and our general research directions:- Software Security: We explore how to improve, extend, and develop new program analysis techniques for real-world (automatic) vulnerability discovery, including network protocol analysis.
- Software Privacy: We develop analysis techniques to understand how programs behave in terms of their privacy behavior.
- Internet Security: We work on addressing (large-scale) Internet security issues, such as malware and denial-of-service attacks, and we address measurement blindspots for Internet security measurements.
- Internet Privacy: We study if and how changes in deployed software and Internet protocols affect user privacy, and we develop measurement techniques to assess the impact.