Software Security

The Chair for Software Security, led by Prof. Dr. Kevin Borgolte, is part of the Faculty of Computer Science since 2021. Our research focuses on the various areas of software security, the related area Internet security, and also connected privacy issues. We conduct research that concerns itself with real-world software and systems.

The group’s research focus is on, but not limited to, the areas of:
  • Software Security: We explore how to improve, extend, and develop new program analysis techniques for real-world (automatic) vulnerability discovery, including network protocol analysis.
  • Software Privacy: We develop analysis techniques to understand how programs behave in terms of their privacy behavior.
  • Internet Security: We work on addressing (large-scale) Internet security issues, such as malware and denial-of-service attacks, and we address measurement blindspots for Internet security measurements.
  • Internet Privacy: We study if and how changes in deployed software and Internet protocols affect user privacy, and we develop measurement techniques to assess the impact.

Additional information on our research can be found via Research. We collaborate with the partners from the Cluster of Excellence CASA (Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries), the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security HGI, and various other universities and research labs through the International Secure Systems Lab (iSecLab).

We are always looking for talented and bright PhD students or postdocs to join our team, as well as visiting PhD students for research internships. You can find more information via Open Positions.

Software Security
Ruhr Uni­ver­si­ty Bo­chum
Uni­ver­si­täts­stras­se 150
MC 4/125
44801 Bo­chum, Ger­ma­ny