Dr.-Ing. Thomas Pöppelmann

Security Engineering

Former employee

Ruhr-University Bochum
Faculty of Computer Science
Security Engineering
Universitätsstr. 150
--D-44801 Bochum

Office Hours: By arrangement

E-Mail: thomas.​poeppelmann@​rub.​de

Curriculum Vitae

since 07/2015: En­gi­neer Se­cu­ri­ty and Cryp­to­gra­phy at In­fi­ne­on Tech­no­lo­gies AG, Mu­nich, Ger­ma­ny 01/2012 - 06/2015: Re­se­arch As­sis­tant/PhD po­si­ti­on at the Hard­ware Se­cu­ri­ty Group, Chair for Em­bed­ded Se­cu­ri­ty, Horst Görtz In­sti­tu­te for IT-Se­cu­ri­ty, Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­ty Bo­chum, Ger­ma­ny 09/2014 - 12/2014: Re­se­arch in­tern, Cryp­to­gra­phy Group, Micro­soft Re­se­arch, Red­mond, USA 10/2006 - 11/2011: Study of Se­cu­ri­ty in In­for­ma­ti­on Tech­no­lo­gy, Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­ty Bo­chum, Ger­ma­ny 02/2011 - 04/2014: Re­se­arch in­tern, Fraun­ho­fer In­sti­tu­te for Se­cu­re In­for­ma­ti­on Tech­no­lo­gy, Darm­stadt, Ger­ma­ny 09/2010 - 01/2011: Se­mes­ter ab­road at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Strath­cly­de, Glas­gow


Lat­ti­ce-Ba­sed Cryp­to­gra­phy (Pro­ject page) Field Pro­gramma­ble Gate Ar­rays (FPGA) Light­weight Im­ple­men­ta­ti­ons
