Accepted paper 2022
Paper accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2022: Network Synthesis under Delay Constraints: The Power of Network Calculus Differentiability (by F. Geyer, S. Bondorf).
Paper accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2022: Network Synthesis under Delay Constraints: The Power of Network Calculus Differentiability (by F. Geyer, S. Bondorf).
Steffen Bondorf was appointed tenured full professor on 01 December 2021. (Announcement, in German).
We’re welcoming Mrs. Nicole Krug to our team! She is taking up the role of team assistant and we are looking forward to working together.@Students:
Results of the 2nd exam in TI1: Computer Architecture are available in eCampus.
Distributed Systems Exam on September 03: Please check the Moodle course for the latest information.
We are a founding member of the Faculty of Computer Science at RUB (Fakultät für Informatik, FFI) starting 01 October 2021! Press release: EN, DE (long), DE (short)