Antrittsvorlesung mit Prof. Dr. Robert Schmidt am 01. Februar 2023
Die Fakultät für Informatik lädt alle Interessierten herzlich zu Prof. Dr. Robert Schmidts Antrittsvorlesung „Neural data science: model-based approaches to understand cognitive control“ ein. Schmidt ist seit September 2022 Professor für Neural Data Science an der Fakultät für Informatik und dem Institut für Neuroinformatik. Seine Forschung widmet sich den neuronalen Mechanismen kognitiver Funktionen. Dabei greift er auf Analyse- und Computermodellierungstechniken, wie dem maschinellen Lernen zurück.
Wann? 01. Februar 2023, 14-15 Uhr, danach Get-Together
Wo? Open Space der Fakultät für Informatik (Gebäude MC, EG)
Rapid technological advances have recently opened up new possibilities in understanding how the brain works. In particular the number of neurons that can be simultaneously recorded has increased considerably to hundreds (and soon thousands!) of neurons. In addition, we now have access to new types of neural signals, such as detailed measurements of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the neuromodulator dopamine. However, this has lead to a big challenge on how to actually process and analyze the resulting big data sets. Conventional approaches often do not take advantage of big data sets and lack mathematical models to describe and connect them to cognitive functions. Solutions for these challenges are part of the new exciting research field of ‚Neural Data Science‘. In my talk I will present several new approaches to combine data analysis with computational models of neural activity in order to better understand the neurobiological mechanisms of cognitive control, motivation, and decision making. Finally, I will provide an outlook on future opportunities related to the development of new methods utilizing machine learning in the field of neural data science.
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