Antrittsvorlesung Kevin Borgolte
Trustworthy and Secure Software on the Internet?!
Die Fakultät für Informatik lädt alle Interessierten herzlich ein zu Prof. Kevin Borgoltes Antrittsvorlesung „Trustworthy and Secure Software on the Internet?!“. Borgolte ist seit Mai 2021 Professor für Software Security an der Fakultät für Informatik und forscht vorrangig an der Verbesserung von Netzwerk und Internetsicherheit. In seiner Antrittsvorlesung stellt er sich und seine Forschung zur Erkennung von Schwachstellen und Angriffen, zum Schutz von Nutzern und Anwendungen (voreinander), zur Bewertung der Auswirkungen von Software und Netzwerkprotokollen auf die Sicherheit, den Datenschutz und die Vertrauenswürdigkeit sowie zur Analyse ihrer Verwendung in der Praxis vor und skizziert zukünftige Arbeiten.
Wann? 22. Juni 2022, 14-15 Uhr, danach Get-Together mit Getränken und Fingerfood
Wo? Open Space im Erdgeschoss des Gebäudes MC
Software security means understanding how to build trustworthy and secure software-based systems, and assessing if existing software is actually trustworthy and secure. Today, this especially means networked client/server software, and, more often than not plain „Internet software.“ Requiring an active Internet connection, like almost all apps on your smartphone, has become the new normal over the last years.
This Internet exposure, however, can also pose (severe) threats, through security and privacy issues arising from unintended protocol interactions between different software, as well as through more traditional software vulnerabilities that are now being exposed to the entire Internet. Albeit companies have started to focus on improving their security posture, incidents continue to plague us. Users have become less trusting, more privacy-conscious, and fearful of these issues, in addition to being anxious about the „Datenkraken,“ but practically they also have little to no choice to say no and convenience remains top dog. This prompts the need for automated analysis techniques to identify and mitigate the threats we face.
In this talk, we first take a deeper look at some of my research on identifying vulnerabilities and attacks, protecting users and applications (from each other), assessing how software and network protocols affect security, privacy, and trustworthiness, and analyzing how they are used in practice. We conclude by discussing some of the research challenges in automatic identification of privacy threats and automatic vulnerability discovery, and we sketch out some future work.
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