T0RTT at PETS 2020

T0RTT at PETS 2020

30.​03.​2020 – Se­bas­ti­an Lauer

In co­ope­ra­ti­on with sci­en­tists from the Uni­ver­si­ties of Pa­der­born and Wup­per­tal we have pu­blis­hed the paper „T0RTT: Non-In­ter­ac­tive Im­me­dia­te For­ward-Se­cu­re Sin­gle-Pass Cir­cuit Con­struc­tion“ at the 20th Pri­va­cy En­han­cing Tech­no­lo­gies Sym­po­si­um.

Our paper deals with the ques­ti­on whe­ther it is pos­si­ble to speed up the cir­cuit con­struc­tion in Tor wi­thout sa­cri­fi­cing se­cu­ri­ty pro­per­ties such as for­ward se­cu­ri­ty.

More infos can be found „here


Tags: T0RTT, Tor