Teaching sum­mer term 2021

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Teaching sum­mer term 2021

02.​04.​2021 – Mar­kus Du­er­muth

This sum­mer term we offer three lec­tu­res and a se­mi­nar. Due to the pan­de­mic, all teaching ac­tivi­ties take place on­line, de­tails can be found via the links below.

The Ba­che­lor-Lec­tu­re In­tro­duc­tion to Usa­ble Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy is of­fe­red joint­ly with Prof. An­ge­la Sasse. The Mas­ter-Lec­tu­re Usa­ble Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy is li­kely of­fe­red for the last time this se­mes­ter; it is re­pla­ced by the above Ba­che­lor Cour­se.

The lec­tu­re IT-Si­cher­heit für Geis­tes- und Ge­sell­schafts­wis­sen­schaf­ten is of­fe­red joint­ly with Dr. Sven Scha­e­ge for a non-tech­ni­cal au­di­ence, for ex­amp­le in the „Op­tio­nal­be­reich“, and also as a PhD cour­se for the SecHu­man Gra­dua­te School.

Our Se­mi­nar is open for both Ba­che­lor and Mas­ter Stu­dents: Bachelor-Se­mi­nar Usa­ble Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy Re­se­arch and Mas­ter-Se­mi­nar Usa­ble Se­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy Re­se­arch