
Pos­tal ad­dress

Ruhr Uni­ver­si­ty Bo­chum
Re­se­arch Group Mo­bi­le Se­cu­ri­ty
Uni­ver­si­täts­stras­se 150
ID 2 / 127
44780 Bo­chum / Ger­ma­ny

Con­tact de­tails

Phone: (+49) (0) 234 32 – 27814 (Secreta­ry’s of­fice)
Phone: (+49) (0) 234 32 – 26694 (Prof. Dür­muth)
Fax: (+49) (0) 234 32 – 14956


The Re­se­arch Group Mo­bi­le Se­cu­ri­ty is lo­ca­ted on the cam­pus of the Ruhr Uni­ver­si­ty Bo­chum in buil­ding ID on the top floor. The secreta­ry’s of­fice can be found in ID 2 / room 439 (the same as the Chair for Sys­tems Se­cu­ri­ty).

Tra­vel in­for­ma­ti­on:

The fol­lowing links pro­vi­de more in­for­ma­ti­on on how to reach the chair:


…by pu­blic trans­port

Bo­chum Cen­tral Sta­ti­on is ser­ved by ICE, IC, EC, re­gio­nal, and sub­ur­ban trains at a high fre­quen­cy. From there, you can reach us ea­si­ly by ta­king the un­der­ground line U35 (Cam­pus­Li­nie, di­rec­tion Bo­chum Hu­stadt). The U35 line runs at fi­ve-mi­nu­te in­ter­vals on week­days and takes just ten mi­nu­tes to get to the uni­ver­si­ty. Get off at the tram stop „Ruhr Uni­ver­si­tät“, take the ele­va­tor up and take a right at the end of the ele­va­tor. You will see four large buil­dings on your left. Take a sharp left turn be­fo­re the first uni buil­ding. After 40 me­ters (130 feet) you will find a spi­ral stair case. Go down and then walk along the „blue“ buil­dings. The last buil­ding in this row is a so­mew­hat lower buil­ding named „ID“. Enter it and take an ele­va­tor to the top floor (floor 2). Near the stair­ca­ses and ele­va­tors you will find a floor plan that shows you where you can find the cor­ri­dors with the room num­bers 100 (Prof. Dür­muth, room 127) and 400 (secreta­ry’s of­fice room 439).

…by car

The qui­ckest route is via the mo­tor­way junc­tion Bo­chum/Wit­ten, where the A43 and A44 meet. Sim­ply take the exit Bo­chum-Que­ren­burg, fol­low the signs “Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­tät” and then the (elec­tro­nic) in­for­ma­ti­on boards. You can enter Len­ners­hof­stra­ße 140, 44801 Bo­chum in your GPS sys­tem: you will then pass by the Bo­chum Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­p­lied Sci­en­ces and then reach the buil­ding ID by fol­lowing the road. Note that only a li­mi­ted num­ber of par­king spots are avail­able at the uni­ver­si­ty.

…by plane

Four air­ports – Dort­mund (DTM), Müns­ter/Os­na­brück (FMO), Co­lo­gne/Bonn (CGN), and Düs­sel­dorf (DUS) – are wi­t­hin a re­a­sonable dis­tan­ce of the RUB. Düs­sel­dorf Air­port (DUS), howe­ver, is not only the lar­gest, but also the most ea­si­ly ac­ces­sed: there are di­rect con­nec­tions bet­ween the air­port and Bo­chum’s main train sta­ti­on up to eight times per hour, and the jour­ney only takes around 40 mi­nu­tes.