
The GSMA NESAS scheme enables security assurance of 5G network components. The OPNESAS project aims to operationalize the NESAS scheme for equipment vendors, network operators, certification authorities and test labs. We are focusing on seamless integration of the scheme into existing deployment infrastructures to achieve widespread adoption of the scheme.
Radix Security
5G network technology is incredibly complex, and with the necessary security standards this complexity is even increased. At Radix Security we eliminate the complexity of 5G and we make 5G security accessible instead by providing the proper tools, training and research. We want to empower our customers to create a secure mobile network for the current generation of 5G, 6G and beyond.

- BigMac: Performance Overhead of User Plane Integrity Protection in 5G networksT Heijligenberg, G Knips, C Böhm, D Rupprecht, K Kohls
ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, WiSec 2023 - Never Let Me Down Again: Bidding-Down Attacks and Mitigations in 5G and 4GB Karakoc, N Fürste, D Rupprecht, K Kohls
ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, WiSec 2023 - Hope of Delivery: Extracting User Locations From Mobile Instant MessengersT Schnitzler, K Kohls, E Bitsikas, C Pöpper
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS 2023 - Leaky Blinders: Information Leakage in Mobile VPNsT Heijligenberg, O Lkhaouni, K KohlsInternational Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, ACNS 2023
- Trace Oddity: Methodologies for Data-Driven Traffic Analysis on TorV Rimmer, T Schnitzler, T Van Goethem, AR Romero, W Joosen, K KohlsProceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, PETS 2022
- VerLoc: Verifiable Localization in Decentralized SystemsK Kohls, C DiazUSENIX Security Symposium, USENIX Security 2022
- We Built This Circuit: Exploring Threat Vectors in Circuit Establishment in TorT Schnitzler, C Pöpper, M Dürmuth, K KohlsEuropean Symposium on Security and Privacy, EuroSP 2021
- Censored Planet: An Internet-wide, Longitudinal Censorship ObservatoryR Sundara Raman, P Shenoy, K Kohls, R EnsafiACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, CCS 2020
- Call Me Maybe: Eavesdropping Encrypted LTE Calls With ReVoLTED Rupprecht, K Kohls, T Holz, C PöpperUSENIX Security Symposium, USENIX Security 2020
- IMP4GT: IMPersonation Attacks in 4G NeTworksD Rupprecht, K Kohls, T Holz, C PöpperSymposium on Network and Distributed System Security, NDSS 2020
- Lost Traffic Encryption: Fingerprinting LTE/4G Traffic on Layer TwoK Kohls, D Rupprecht, T Holz, C PöpperACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, WiSec 2019
- On the Challenges of Geographical Avoidance for TorK Kohls, K Jansen, D Rupprecht, T Holz, C PöpperNetwork and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS 2019
- Adversarial Attacks Against Automatic Speech Recognition Systems via Psychoacoustic HidingL Schönherr, K Kohls, S Zeiler, T Holz, D KolossaNetwork and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS, 2019
- Breaking LTE on Layer TwoD Rupprecht, K Kohls, T Holz, C PöpperIEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, S&P 2019