
The word alumnus or alumna comes from Latin and means “pupil”. Nowadays, university graduates in particular are referred to as alumni, with the background that they have been brought up by their university (also called alma mater, Latin for “nurturing mother”) as people who have matured.

The alumni of our faculty include all those who have studied computer science, IT security or applied computer science or who have taught, researched and worked with us.

We are proud of our alumni and value and maintain long-term contact. Our alumni can continue to benefit from our network and feel our support.

Did you study at our faculty? Stay in touch!

Meet your former fellow students at events or share your career path with current students. The association BITSI e.V. – Bochumer Verein zur Förderung der IT-Sicherheit und Informatik – bundles our alumni activities. As a member, you will always be invited to events and informed about faculty activities.

Alumni Lunch 2023 at the Beckmannshof