Accepted Paper
Paper accepted to the IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) 2021: Low-Cost Search in Tree-Structured P2P Overlays: The Null-Balance Benefit (by P. Detzner, J. Gödeke, S.
Accepted Paper QEST
Paper accepted to the Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST) 2021: Network Calculus for Bounding Delays in Feedforward Networks of FIFO Queueing Systems (by A. Scheffler,
Studying Computer Science
If you are interested in studying computer science, then try to locate our video in the RUB digital campus guide (in German). Hint: it is neither at
Teaching offerings Summer 2021
Our teaching offerings in Summer 2021: Distributed Systems for B.Sc. CS and Deterministic Network Calculus.
Paper accepted RTAS
Paper accepted to IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (IEEE RTAS) 2021: Tightening Network Calculus Delay Bounds by Predicting Flow Prolongations in the FIFO
Article accepted IEEE
Article accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 67, no. 3: Sublinear-Time Non-Adaptive Group Testing with O(k log n) Tests via Bit-Mixing Coding (by S. Bondorf,