

Ruhr-University Bochum
Faculty of Computer Science
Chair for Cryptography
Universitätsstraße 140
Building MC 0 / 21
44799 Bochum


Ruhr-Universität Bochum
FK Informatik/Kryptographie
Postfach MC 5
Industriestr. 38c
44894 Bochum


Tel.: +49 (0) 234 – 32 27701

crypto (at)



Ar­ri­ving by pu­blic trans­port

Bo­chum Cen­tral Sta­ti­on is ser­ved by ICE, IC, EC, re­gio­nal, and sub­ur­ban trains at a high fre­quen­cy. From there, you can reach us ea­si­ly by ta­king the un­der­ground line U35 (Cam­pus­Li­nie, di­rec­tion Bo­chum Hu­stadt). The U35 line runs at fi­ve-mi­nu­te in­ter­vals on week­days and takes just ten mi­nu­tes to get to the uni­ver­si­ty. Get off at the tram stop „Ruhr Uni­ver­si­tät“, take the ele­va­tor up and take a right at the end of the ele­va­tor. Follow the way to the „M“ buildings, which are on the right side of the Campus. In the last building „MC“ (former VC) you will find our chair Cryptography on the ground floor. The room number is MC 0 / 21.

The Chair for Cryptography is located within the MC (former VC) building on the campus of Ruhr University Bochum. On the outside of the building you will see „Volkswagen Infotainment“. You can find us on the ground floor.

For information on how to travel to Ruhr University Bochum by car or as a short- and long distance traveler, please refer to the official mobility information of our university or use the following google maps link.

Arriving by car

The qui­ckest route is via the mo­tor­way junc­tion Bo­chum/Wit­ten, where the A43 and A44 meet. Sim­ply take the exit Bo­chum-Que­ren­burg, fol­low the signs “Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­tät” and then the signs to the parking facilities P4 – P8 where you can park. From the parking lot follow the signs to „M“ buildings. In the last building „MC“ (former VC) you will find our chair Cryptography on the ground floor. The room number is MC 0 / 21.

Alternatively, you can navigate to the parking facility „Parkhaus West“ (P12 and P13). It is located directly in front of our building „MC“ (former VC). Unfortunately, it cannot be always guaranteed that this parking place is open for visitors.