Maya 2011

Maya 2011

The MAYA Workshop „New Applications of New Computational Problems“ will take place at Ruhr-Universität Bochum on July 28+29 2011  (Thursday+Friday).
It is organized by the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security.


  • Full workshop (incl. dinner): 95 Euro
  • Only Thursday (no dinner): 30 Euro
  • Only Friday (no dinner): 30 Euro

Until 15th July 2011 via the following Link.


28 July 
14:00-14:50David Cash (UC San Diego)
Security Against Related-Key Attacks: Constructions and Applications (Slides)
14:50-15:40Dennis Hofheinz (Karlsruhe IT)
All-But-Many Lossy Trapdoor Functions and Their Applications (Slides)
16:10-17:00Martin Albrecht (Université Paris 6)
Polly Cracker Revisited (Slides)
17:00-17:50Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer (Université Paris 6)
Gröbner bases of structured systems and their applications in Cryptology (Slides)
29 July  
09:30-12:00Ecrypt MAYA WG1/WG2 working group
13:00-14:30Ecrypt MAYA WG1/WG2 working group
15:15-16:30Ecrypt MAYA WG1/WG2 working group
16:30-17:15Fare-well coffee


How to get there

Getting to Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

The Workshop will take place in the ID-Building, in 04/459 + 04/445 (28.07.) and 04/401 + 04/413 + 04/445 (29.07.)

By public transport (fine tuning)

Leave the U35 at „Lennershof“. Then walk towards the university (half-left, grey buildings). The first building is ID.

By car (fine tuning)

Leave „Universitätsstr.“ at exit „Fachhochschule“. Drive towards „Fachhochschule“ or „Hochschule Bochum“ (same direction, two names) and leave your car at one of the parkings there. Walk towards the university. ID is the first building you see.

Contact person

 Alexander May
