Prof. Dr. Maribel Acosta

Databases and Information Systems

Professor / Head of Chair

Ruhr-University Bochum
Faculty of Computer Science
Databases and Information Systems
Universitätsstr. 150
--D-44801 Bochum

Room: MC 1/47

Telephone: +49 (0)234 32-19612

Office Hours: By arrangement

E-Mail: Maribel.​Acosta(at)​rub.​de

Curriculum Vitae

WS 2020/21 Junior Professor, Databases and Information Systems, RUB
Since 2017 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Computational Linguistics, Heidelberg University
SS 2020 Deputy Professor (W3), Web Science, KIT
2019-2020 Lecturer (Akademische Rätin), Web Science, KIT
2017-2019 Postdoctoral Researcher, Web Science, KIT
2017 Dissertation on "Query Processing over Graph-structured Data on the Web" (Summa Cum Laude)
2012-2017 Associate Researcher, Knowledge Management, KIT
2012 Master in Computer Science, Universidad Simon Bolivar



My research lies in the areas of Databases, Semantic Web, and Artificial Intelligence, where I have extensively investigated novel techniques to query Knowledge Graphs efficiently and effectively. More recently, I have studied the application of Machine Learning approaches to solve diverse problems in the management of Knowledge Graphs.

- Data Engineering and Management
- Databases
- Semantic Web
- Knowledge Representation
- Applications of Machine Learning

Prof. Dr. Maribel Acosta

Office hours: By Arrangement